If you are in any type of truck accident, chances are you are going to have to get some type of truck accident lawyer. Up to this point, you may not have realized just how specialized of a topic that was, but you will soon understand just how important it is to get the right lawyer.
In order to understand the circumstances that you will need a truck accident lawyer in, first you’re going to have to think about what exactly constitutes a truck. There are personal trucks that people drive around in, but in this instance were more interested in things like a big rigs, semi trucks, tractor trailers or 18 wheelers.
If you stopped to think about it, you will be amazed thinking about how many materials are shipped back and forth around the country on trucks. It is actually one of the primary ways that most goods get around, the other being buys some sort of train.
Just think for a minute how many times you have seen cement mixers on their way to construction sites. Any time that one of these trucks is involved in any type of accident, someone is going to need a good truck accident lawyer who is familiar with all of the varying circumstances that are applicable just to trucks.
We are all aware that mechanical equipment can malfunction and safety devices can fail, but when you are talking about trucks, those mouth functions and failures become a big deal very quickly because of the potential damage that can be caused in the aftermath. Just imagine the destruction from a gasoline truck today over, or a truck with cars on it.
When dealing with a truck accident lawyer, you’re going to have to make sure that you can describe the people involved in the accident. These can be occupants of the truck, other drivers on the road, or even pedestrians who may be near the site of the accident. There is a lot of potential for damage or injury, so it is important to understand all the details.
The other thing that you have to be very specific about when explaining the situation to a truck accident lawyer is the environmental conditions that were present when the accident occurred. Was it snowing, raining, or particularly windy? All of these things have caused accidents in the past.
Things You Should Know About Truck Accident Lawyers
When looking for truck accident lawyers its best if you take some basic information and combine it with common sense to see if your lawyer is able to handle your lawsuit to get you what you deserve. Here are three things you should look for when considering a lawyer to handle a trucking accident case for you.
Where Do Truck Accident Lawyers Spend Their Money and Where Does the Money Go?
Some law firms spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on advertising trying to get the largest amount of people to their law firm. Now there is not anything particularly wrong with this until you find that the law firm spends more money on this advertising than they do getting the proper research and finding all useful information for their client’s cases.
Another problem is that some law firms will try to take on too many cases and will therefore spend less time on each case that comes in. You want to make sure that you go with a law firm that does not take on an intense case load so that they can represent you to their full potential.
Truck Accident Lawyers Must Have Trucking Industry Knowledge
Make no mistake truck accident lawyers have to have an intimate knowledge of the trucking industry will be able to prosecute your case much more effectively than a lawyer who has little to no experience with it. Why?
Well the trucking industry is highly specialized. The laws change on a yearly basis and there are certain standards and practices that truckers and trucking companies must abide by. The biggest of which is rest time for the drivers (which is mandated by state and federal laws). So in order to tell whether or not a trucker or trucking company has broken those laws but make it appear as if they haven’t takes an attorney who has an eye for details and is able to do the math, which can only be understood by those who really take the time to understand the industry.
Truck Accident Lawyers Need to Know the Difference in Laws
Another big part of your case is seeing whether or not the driver and/or the trucking company should be blamed also have to do with state and federal laws. You see interstate drivers are going to be affected by federal and state laws while intrastate drivers are going to be more affected by state laws. This can have a significant outcome on your case and your lawyer needs to understand the difference between the two.
Good truck accident lawyers must have an understanding of these three things in order to present you in the strongest way possible and get what is rightfully yours.
Truck Accident Lawyers in Your State
Truck accident lawyers in your state are a breed of attorneys that focus on those people who have been involved in big truck and semi truck rig accidents. If you have been involved in a traffic accident with a semi or large truck, then you know how devastating it can be. There is no good accident on the highways, but there are differing degrees of accidents, and those involving big rigs are especially horrendous.
Lawyers who handle truck accident cases are better versed on what detailed issues are in play with a semi or large truck. Take for example, a semi or commercial truck driver has a special license in which to operate his or her vehicle. If there are reasons that a person driving those big trucks has a special license, then there are obviously different rules and guidelines that must be adhered to, and knowing these details and whether or not they have been followed correctly, could prove to be a large contributing factor in a semi truck involved accident.
As recent as a week prior to this article, the author witnessed the aftermath of a semi truck accident, just minutes from his home. There were 5 vehicles involved in the accident, and it appears to be the primary fault of the semi driver. He was 75 years old and driving a commercial vehicle. Do you think there are specific questions that are sudden red flags?
For the life of me, I do not understand why the older you get in this country, the longer between times that you have to renew your license and you never have to prove that at an older age you can still perform normal driving habits and can react to adverse situations. The comment made by the semi driver, in the accident I witnessed immediately after the crash, said that he did not have time to stop, before hitting the car that was stopped in front of him, at the red light? Was this a contributing factor of his age, his ability to handle the semi truck, or was he operating the truck with the right credentials that were up to date?
Truck accident lawyers may appear to be the ambulance chaser type, by focusing their cases around semi truck accidents, but there is a definite need and they can help serve their public by identifying specific issues that are relevant and pertinent to truck accidents. Many new and current laws are no in place, due to the deep investigations that truck accident lawyers have ordered and pursued in finding the root cause of many accidents involving semi trucks.